2017: The Year of Grow

At the beginning of the year, I was inspired to chose a word as a focus for my creative endeavours and my business; that word was GROW. I felt as though I could challenge myself in many different directions by growing. We often see growth as an expansion, a way to get bigger, better or faster, but in hindsight, I have seen that in order to truly grow you need to sometimes retreat and go deep into the shadows in order for the Phoenix to rise.

2018 will be a year with a focus on new projects that I have wanted to start but have held back. In 2018 I promise to shine even brighter, create even more magical portraits, find deeper connections and continue to show that beauty comes in many packages.

I’ll be using this last week of the year to focus on my plans for 2018 and I will again be choosing a word for the year. I encourage you to do the same. I can’t guarantee that the road will be smooth and easy for you simply because of the word you chose, but I know from my own experience having that focus word to come back to each and every week, makes the tough times less chaotic and the good times far more purposeful. It simply gives your year a theme, however you interpret the theme and use it in your daily life is up to you.

I’d love to hear from you if you already do this or feel it is is something you may start. Unlike New Year’s resolutions, there is no negativity surrounding failure. Sure you can have goals, but when you set a focus word for the year, the goals don’t seem so linear and we all know life is never a straight line.

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