Let’s play Dress Ups

I love a good fancy dress party! My good friend D is having a birthday party on Saturday. It’s an Alice in Wonderland themed day, with Croquet games etc. I am in the middle of designing some new dresses, my son is home, sick from school and I still need to work out an outfit (poor time-poor me!!). My friend M suggested a female Mad Hatter, as it is not typical. So, as I am always up for a challenge, I will see if I can make this work..

Basic list of what I need:
  • Quirky trademark MadHatter top hat (make it)
  • Waist coat (already have it)
  • Bow tie (make it)
  • Tailored pants or Shorts (already have a pair)
  • Fishnets or coloured tights
  • Ankle boots
  • Shirt or top to go under waist coat (IDEA: basic boobtube top under waistcoat paired with a detachable ‘upstanding’ or frilled collar)
mad hatter inspiration by you.

mad hatter inspiration by you.

mad hatter inspiration by you.

Ok….so what I am thinking is to use a few things I already have and combine with a few newly made items.. I will definitely have to make the hat. And in my mind it needs to be a miniature top hat.

Tutorials for more elaborate designs can be found here and here

I want basic…definitely no lace and frou frou…YUK!! I have studied Millinery a few years ago…so should be relatively easy for me. Better get started…or else I’ll be late for a very important date!! See already Mad…just need the hat 🙂


mini 4 inch top hat

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